Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Improving The Progress Of The Goal - 978 Words

It is crucial for targets to be measurable in order to monitor and evaluate the progress of the goal. They also require a target date of completion. Target 7.1 is not a measurable target because we cannot calculate its progress. The language used is very vague. For instance, it states the access to affordable energy services but who will determine what price is considered affordable. Target 7.2 is not a truly measurable target because the language is also quite vague and we cannot evaluate if progress is being made. Essentially, it does not have definable parameters on how the energy will be equally shared. Target 7.3 is a measurable target. Measuring the variations of the rate will determine its progress and improvements. Target 7.a is†¦show more content†¦(Pachauri et al., 2013) Basically, not enough research and efforts have been implemented into this target to begin measuring its progress. Many countries have already invested in renewable energy technologies to provide electricity to their populations. Therefore, target 7.2 is being measured. For instance, De Jong, Sanchez, Esquerre, Kalid Torres conducted research to study the efficiency of wind and solar energy in Brazil. Their results indicated that these renewable energies could manage the electrical grid requirements in â€Å"an efficient and more environmentally friendly manner than fossil fuel power plants† (De Jong et al., 2013). Energy needs to be efficient in order to achieve sustainability. Countless objects such as appliances and vehicles are now designed to consume less energy. Many countries have also introduced efficient standards. For instance, â€Å"Malaysia implement[ed] an energy efficiency standard for refrigerator-freezers† (Mahlia, Masjuki, Rahman Amalina, 2004). Therefore, this target is being measured in countries through their use and implementation of energy efficient practices. During the past years, clean energy is increasingly being researched. An example of a clean energy technology is a â€Å"rice husk power generating system† because it produces far less green house gas emissions compared to fossil fuel power plants (Afzal, Mohibullah, Sharma, 2011).

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